The SUSTech Center for Language Education and Center for Faculty Development celebrated the successful completion of its English Medium Instruction (EMI) Excellent Initiative 2023—the initiative aimed to promote effective EMI practice across different disciplines on campus. Through a comprehensive 12-week lunchtime seminars, faculty members at SUSTech engaged in meaningful discussions and shared experiences that will contribute to the university's world-class educational endeavors.
The Project was composed of three stages, each serving a specific purpose.
In Stage 1, three distinguished professors with extensive experience using English as the medium of instruction at top universities worldwide, including SUSTech, were invited to share their profound understanding and insights regarding EMI's significance for the university's pursuit of excellence. Their expertise provided invaluable guidance to the participants, emphasizing the importance of EMI in alignment with SUSTech's commitment to becoming a world-class institution.
Stage 2 of the seminar focused on case studies in EMI classroom teaching. Participants analyzed selected cases, gaining valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with EMI implementation. By examining real-world scenarios, faculty members could extract critical lessons and apply them to their instructional practices, ultimately enhancing the quality of education within their respective disciplines.
During Stage 3, participants delved into the development of exemplary courses in EMI. This phase covered crucial topics such as designing teaching objectives and learning outcomes, implementing effective feedback and assessment procedures, employing innovative teaching and learning methods, and identifying available learning support resources. By addressing these vital aspects, faculty members fortified their ability to deliver high-quality EMI courses, ensuring students receive a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.
The EMI Excellent Initiative witnessed enthusiastic participation from SUSTech faculty members who employ English as the medium of instruction in their disciplinary courses. Their commitment to enhancing EMI practices at SUSTech yielded fruitful discussions and knowledge sharing and fostered the growth of an active EMI Community within the university.
The successful completion of this initiative marks a significant milestone in SUSTech's journey towards teaching excellence and its ambition of becoming a world-class university. The seminar provided a solid foundation for faculty members to understand, conceptualize, and explore the intricacies of EMI at SUSTech. With newfound knowledge and experiences, the participants will take the initiative of elevating the quality of EMI education at SUSTech and equipping students with the necessary skills to thrive in an increasingly globalized world.
As SUSTech continues its mission of providing exceptional education, the EMI Excellent Initiative 2023 sets the stage for a future where EMI is pivotal in creating a highly international academic environment.