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Short Story Society Fall 2019



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Provided by CLE (Center for Language Education), Short Story Society is a night reading club where you can enjoy multi-genre short stories, guided discussions, friends and joy.

Every other Tuesday night from 7:00-8:00, a session of reading discussion will be held in one of the library group study rooms (you will be informed of the room number through wechat group message).

If you are interested in reading science fictions, romance, thrilling or detective stories, but worried a whole book reading might be too time-consuming, Short Story Society is the right place for you. We will send the story as well as the reading guide one week earlier before the meeting, you can complete the reading guide on your own (or with a friend) and bring it to our reading discussion. Scan the QR code and join us!

    Here are the story and the reading guide for the first session (Sep. 17th) Reading_Bradbury ReadingGuide_Bradbury