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Language Help Service 2019 Fall



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CLE Language Help Service (LHS) is back for this semester! In 2019 fall, we will continue to offer CLE Language Help Service to the entire SUSTech community - students, faculty, and staff.

CLE Language Help Service is a one-on-one language service, with a commitment to provide ongoing language support to our SUSTech community. The service mainly includes English writing support, speaking practice and English learning consultation for all, as well as Chinese language tutoring for international students and staff.

Anyone on campus is welcome to reserve a 25-minute face-to-face session with a CLE faculty member. This semester we will continue to offer more than 60 sessions per week, beginning in  Week 2. You can use our Online Booking System to book appointments with our faculty. Below is the instruction.


How to make an appointment?

  1. Appointments should be made at least one day in advance.

  2. Visit ehall using the link


    . Log in to the system with your CAS account. If you are using the Chinese interface, please search for “语言中心语言指导服务”. If you are using the English interface, please search for “CLE Language Help Service”. (Please refer to the attached system guide for detailed instructions.)

  3. You will then be able to enter the Online Booking System, in which you can see the timetable for the next 5 business days. Choose a session and click on it.

  4. Fill in some information and follow the instructions to complete the reservation.

  5. Prepare and print your own materials/questions/writing pieces before the tutorial and bring them with you to the CLE (Room 210, Wisdom Valley, Block 3).

  6. After each tutorial, please give us your feedback by clicking the “点评(Comment)” button and completing the questionaire.


Gentle reminder

  • Walk-in sessions (coming without appointment) are available for time slots that have not been booked (not marked in red). You can check our Online Booking System and see if there are available time slots on that specific day.

  • Each SUSTech member can book a maximum of 3 appointments per semester (walk-in sessions not included).

  • If you need to cancel your appointment, please cancel in the Online Booking System at least two days before the scheduled time. If you really need to cancel the appointment within two days, please click “contact the admin”.

  • Late cancellation (less than two days) and failure to show up for a scheduled appointment will be recorded. You will not be able to schedule a new appointment for the rest of the semester if you have 2 such records.

  • Due to the limited time of a tutorial, the writing pieces you bring each time should not exceed 500

Should you have any questions, please feel free to email


. Right now, you can try to book appointments for Week 2, starting on September 9th. We look forward to seeing you at CLE!