EAP Workshop: Generating an Academic Title for Your Paper: Proper Grammar and Style


Our EAP Workshops continued, with Dr. Ma Ji giving a detailed presentation on "Generating an Academic Title for Your Paper", in which he illustrated both the pitfalls as well as highlights of having a good title.  Interspersing examples with humor, Dr. Ma spoke about  the power of words in a title, including proper grammar and style and how it can go to give the reader (or research panel) motivation and insight into the rest of the paper.  More than an introduction to a paper, a proper title showcases the writer's academic and linguistic merit, introducing not only the topic, but also specifics about of which will be discussed.

This EAP workshop is an example of the caliber of academic writing SUSTech students, faculty, and staff are producing across campus and the Center for Language Education will continued to offer support through our series of writing workshops so as to aid in the development of this community of learners.
