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Medical School Faculty Development Program Ceremony



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The Center for Language Education, in partnership with the SUSTech School of Medicine, recently held a ceremony for the Medical School Faculty Development Program. Doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech, the Second Affiliated Hospital of SUSTech as well as SUSTech Hospital attended, with both hospital leadership as well as doctors giving speeches about their teaching and learning experiences and how they grew from the program. In addition, the Dean of the School of Medicine, Dr. Xing Mingzhao, as well as the Director of the CLE, Dr. Li Yuan, also spoke to the importance of using English in medical education, and how it benefits not only the university, but the larger city of Shenzhen as well.

On behalf of the university, Vice-Chairperson Li Fengliang and Vice President Lu Chun spoke about the role programs like this play within the university and how it highlights the positive direction SUSTech is heading, not only with our Medical School, but in English-language instruction across different disciplines.


This is the second year the Medical School Faculty Development Program has taken place, and in both sessions, observable and measurable development can be seen on behalf of the doctors, utilizing creative and sustainable pedagogical approaches to teaching which benefits their classrooms. It is our hope that this program continues to grow and that the cooperation of SUSTech's affiliated hospitals remains a model of educational parternship.