Fruitful Results Achieved in 2022 “FLTRP · ETIC Cup” Provincial Semifinals



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The Provincial-Level Semifinals of 2022 National “FLTRP · ETIC Cup” English Writing, Reading, and Public Speaking Contests were held online from November 5th to 6th, 2022. The contests attracted 640 students including 149 speaking contestants, 247 reading contestants, and 244 writing contestants over 67 universities in Guangdong province. A total of nine students represented SUSTech participated in the provincial-level semifinals. With the efforts of the contestants and the CLE instructors, fruitful results were achieved. SUSTech has made one step further in FLTRP contest. All the SUSTech contestants won one 1st prize and two 2nd prizes in writing, three 2nd prizes in reading, and one 2nd-prize in speaking.


Four SUSTech undergraduates took part in the writing contests. They composed one expository essay and one argumentative essay within two hours. Li Chuqiao finally won 1st prize. Yin Ziyi and Xiao Zihan won 2nd prizes. To prepare participant students for such writing contest, CLE provided a series of writing workshops targeting specific writing skills in the contest.


(Writing contestants participate in the online reading semifinal.)


All the three SUSTech contestants, including Hong Chenxi, Zhou Ruijie, and Xie Xinran in the FLTRP reading contest at the provincial level won second prizes. To support the contestants, CLE instructors conducted several training sessions on the topic of logic fallacies, reading comprehension, and reading based writing which were open to both the contestants and other students who were interested.

(Reading contestants participate in the online reading semifinal.)


With respect to the speaking contest, Min Xuanyi and Xia Zihan participated in the online semifinal. Before the semifinal, the speaking contest instructors helped the two contestants have their speaking videos prerecorded. Finally, Min Xuanyi won 2nd prize. During the past five months, the speaking contest preparation team consisting of six CLE instructors has provided intensive training focused on both impromptu speaking and prepared speeches.


(Speaking contestants make prerecorded videos for the online semifinal.)


Since May 2022, the CLE has organized 2022 "FLTRP · ETIC Cup” English Preliminary Contests on campus and offered our students full support. Fourteen CLE instructors formed three contest preparation teams to organize three contests respectively and coach the contestants for the provincial-level semifinals. It’s the third time SUSTech students have signed up for all the three contests organized by FLTRP, which proved to be a very productive learning experience for all contests. The CLE applauds the contestants’ successes and will continue supporting SUSTechers’ participation in the future contests.