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CLE Online Professional Development Course Starts



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In order to provide an opportunity for the EFL instructors in Center for Language Education to share their interests and needs, review assessment and course/task/lesson design, CLE invites Dr Shiaowei (Jasmine) CHU, ESL Instructor at University of Idaho, working with SUSTech on this project.


Shiao-Wei CHU works at the University of Idaho. As an English language educator, she has not only created learner-centered classroom environment and designed task-based learning materials, but also integrated multiple skills and technology in each lesson for English language learners. She also realizes the importance of teachers’ professional development, so she has been instructing and participating in ongoing professional development events. Her career choices have been centered on assisting and teaching English as a second/foreign language to diverse population of students.

By taking the course, we hope teachers with CLE can learn practical teaching strategies and techniques, practice teacher-student conferencing skills, and read current and interesting articles related to the topic discussed in each workshop.