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2020 Fall EAP Writing Workshop: The Pitfalls of Plagiarism



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The Center for Language Education (CLE) will host a series of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Writing Workshops!

Beginning tomorrow, and held every Thursday at lunch (12:30pm - 1:30pm), these Writing Workshops are open to the entire SUSTech Community of Learners who want to learn specialized tools and tips as they apply to Academic Writing. These workshops will help students develop strong writing skills which they can use for classroom assignments, published research, or continued growth as writers.

This week, EAP Course Coordinator, Matthew Jellick will present on "The Pitfalls of Plagiarism", offering both advice and suggestions for avoidance, and instead, make your paper a well-cited and referenced work of academic writing.

The CLE EAP team remains dedicated to offering continued opportunities for academic growth outside of class, and we hope to see you at one of our Writing Workshops.