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CLE Movie Club discusses its 2nd film of Autumn



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The CLE Movie Club held its 2nd meeting of the Fall term on 29 September. The film selected for this time was the first Stephen Spielberg and Tom Cruise collaboration, “Minority Report.” Our movie Club participants discussed a number of themes in the film, including the main topic of free will versus determinism. Among the more interesting discussions were a black hole theory explanation of determinism, and the film’s prediction of invasive personalized advertising.


Movie Club activities, besides being a fun and exciting way to break through the traditional language learning, offer a variety of pluses that directly contribute to the student’s language learning experience.

This film was the lucky 13th film viewed and discussed by the CLE Movie Club. Conversations continue to overflow from the regular meeting to our lively QQ group, along with chats about the film industry and other movie news.


Our next meeting will be after the holidays, on October 13th. We will discuss the Japanese film “Aruite Mo Aruite Mo (Still Walking)” from the famous and award-winning director Hirokazu Koreeda. Join us!


Scan here to join our CLE Movie Club group on QQ