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The Center for Language Education Launches its Pre-Sessional Program for the 2021 New Students



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On August 27th, 1147 new undergraduate students and 1419 postgraduate students attended the 2021 SUSTech English Placement Test, held by the Center for Language Education. The English Placement Test is the prologue to students’ academic life at SUSTech. Based on this, their English performance on the Gaokao, and SUSTech computer-based exams, they are placed into one of three levels. Students at different levels will get tailored support in small-sized classes to develop their communication and academic skills in a global context.

Following the placement test, SUSTech’s Center for Language Education launched its one-week pre-sessional program for the new students August 30th. The annual week-long intensive pre-sessional program aims to provide students with key learning skills and study strategies that will help them succeed at SUSTech, a promising research university with a global outlook, where English is one of the key languages for instruction and learning.

The pre-sessional program prepares the freshmen for a steady progression to a continuous improvement of their skills in terms of English language, communication in academic contexts, learning and self-management at university. A face-to-face speaking proficiency test is conducted as a warm-up on the first day, followed by an analytical report of their English proficiency. Language in an Academic Setting is the theme of the second day. Academic Vocabulary on the third day will familiarize students with the style of academic language. The main focus of the fourth day is practical and productive language skills needed for campus life, such as seminar skills, presentation skills and email etiquette. The program will be concluded with a section of self-management skills on the fifth day, including the management of time, study space, study load, and motivation.

The skills-based pre-sessional training program in English is designed to ensure a good start for new students’ academic success at SUSTech. The CLE will support students’ academic growth over the course of their study at SUSTech.