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CLE Writing Center: Fall, 2021



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In our continuous aim to offer writing support to the SUSTech community of learners, the Center for Language Education will continue to offer help for both students and staff through the Writing Center. In out third year, the Writing Center is conducted one-on-one for an on-needs basis with anyone on campus seeking assistance for any and all of their writing needs. SUSTech students and staff can pick their own day, time, and location to meet, by sending an email request to either Matthew Jellick (matthewj@sustech.edu.cn) or Xiao Shi (shix@sustech.edu.cn) , introducing themselves and briefly explaining their subject matter.

In addition to individualized appointments, the Writing Center teachers, Matthew and Xiao, will also host two workshops during the semester, highlighting different aspects as they pertain to "Personal Statements" as well as "The Art of Revision". More information about the details will follow.

With both one-on-one tutorial sessions as well as expanded workshops, the Writing Center looks forward to working with the SUSTech Community of Learners over the course of the upcoming semester as we highlight the power of words, and how the lasting impact they have through writing...