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Student Newspaper Article Exhibition



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Over the course of the past few years, CLE teacher, Matthew Jellick, has worked with a total of nine SUSTech students and staff on writing articles for the local English newspaper, The Shenzhen Daily. Ranging on topics from departmental collaboration to international travel and through the prose of both essays and poems, these wonderful proses have been shared with the English-speaking community across our city.

Aiming to highlight these works as a cumulative entity, Matthew put together an exhibition in the SUSTech Library, highlighting the efforts of the five students and four staff who have had their articles published. Held over the course of the last week in May, the display was set up to encourage others to not only read, but be inspired.

This is the third exhibition held by Matthew in the SUSTech Library, including a Writing Center Exhibition, and an English Book Club Exhibition, all of which are testaments to the power of education outside the classroom and the ability of the SUSTech community of learners.