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The Center for Language Education successfully hosted the online seminar “Theories of Intercultural Competence” on Saturday, May 22nd. The seminar was led by Helen Spencer-Oatey, Professor Emeritus of Warwick University. This was the first of three seminars in the series.


During the seminar, Professor Spencer-Oatey guided the participants through the basic concepts of intercultural competence. She included classic and prevailing theory as well as the ways in which these may best be applied. One highlight was the growing nature of the field, which is still developing its fundamental definitions, and the challenges this presents.

Hosted on behalf of the Center for Language Education by Dr. Yuan Li, Director of the CLE, the seminars seek to improve awareness of and understanding of intercultural competence.

After the seminars, participants will be able to apply these concepts in intercultural situations. For second language teachers in attendance, the seminar is of particular interest. Second language learners seek, by default, to interact with other cultures. The rich implications for curriculum development are clearly obvious.

The next seminar in the series will occur at 3 PM on Saturday, June 5th. It is entitled “Culture, (Im)Politeness and (Un)Fair Judgements of Others.” Please join us! SUSTech faculty and staff are particularly welcome. You find more information by joining our WeChat group. Scan the code below and join our discussion.