On August 31st, one week before the 2020 new students formally start their university study, the Center for Language Education launches its pre-sessional program for the new students. The week-long intensive pre-sessional program aims to facilitate students with the key learning skills that will help new college students adjust to academic life and culture at an international university where English is one of the key languages for instruction and learning.
The pre-sessional program will last five days and help the freshmen build up the study skills that they need to succeed at the university level. The training starts with English Speaking Activities that serve as the warm-up session and the speaking proficiency test, conducted in a natural learning environment. The Language in Academic Setting with a focus on academic English, academic vocabulary, and academic tasks on the second day will familiarize students with the English language that they will use throughout their study life at SUSTech. On the third day, students will be given the opportunity to analyze their own English proficiency and identify the key skills to develop and strategies to do it. Converting the knowledge acquired in secondary school to the practical and productive language skills at SUSTech is the content of the fourth day when seminar skills, presentation skills and email etiquette will be introduced to new students. The week-long program will be wrapped up with student’s self-management skills, including the management of time, study space, workload, and motivation.
The highly interactive skill-building classes with English as the medium of instruction link student’s English language development with the building of their learning skills. It will set up a good foundation for their academic success and beyond, ensuring a good start to a sustained future here at SUSTech.