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Study Abroad Seminar Series Beats the Summer Heat



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SUSTech Global and the Center for Language Education (CLE) collaborated over summer 2020 to produce the Study Abroad Seminar Series. The weekly program featured a series of 4 seminars aimed at improving skills needed by students for future study abroad.

To manage the series during COVID-19, the seminars were delivered online using video conferencing technology and the Blackboard learning management system familiar to all SUSTech students. Topics included admission interviews, emails, application essays, office visits, and more. Much of the focus was on the cross-cultural aspects of communication in these situations, with a goal of raising awareness of problems and providing practical solutions or strategies.

The series was taught by the CLE’s Al Evans, with the assistance of SUSTech Global’s Yumo Peng and Dan Yang. Yuyang Zou of SUSTech Global managed communications and recruitment. Students were pleased with the program, saying in a survey that they particularly liked the interview and application sections. The interactive style of the seminars was a popular feature.