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CLE-EAP Program: Growth Through Experience



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Growth Through Experience: How the CLE EAP Program Has Shifted to Online Teachin


2020 Spring Semester started in an online teaching mode unexpectedly due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It makes the semester very challenging for the CLE foreign language courses, known for their strong interactive nature and feature. Teachers at SUSTech Center for Language Education take the initiative and switch the challange into an opportunity for a more reflective and creative teaching.

With 1648 students and over 130 classes, every teacher in the CLE demonstrates their intelligence, creativity and excellence in teaching and makes foreign language learning a fun and rewarding experience for SUSTech students. CLE would love to share the effective teaching practices identified with SUSTech members and teachers beyond.

English for Academic Purposes

As the benchmark for the Core Curriculum within the CLE Framework, the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program focuses on research presentation and writing skills. This prepares SUSTech students for using English as the medium of their academic achievements now, and into their educational and professional careers.


HIGHLIGHTS: Group Research Presentations

Aiming to incorporate authentic practices into our curriculum has been a challenge, given the current set of online instruction, however with patience and practice, the EAP team continues to give ownership to students, creating a sustainable learning environment where the students’ needs remain at the center of our learning sphere. From Group Research Presentations to Peer-Review Research Essays, the students are encouraged to work together as a communicative team, facilitated by the instructor, while using their own strengths to follow their individualized paths.

Student Presentation: Arguments for Online Learning


HIGHLIGHTS: EAP/Library Integrated Classes

Collaboration with the SUSTech Library, support from the CLE, and understanding from the EAP team has gone to provide growth through experience, changing our model of instruction, but remaining true to our underlying philosophies of teaching.



Despite all the difficulties, CLE teachers have successfully and creatively converted the difficult self-isolation time during the pandemic into an active learning arena via planning ahead, adjusting teaching plans and designs, working in teams, experimenting with various online tools and platforms, guiding students to have an effective learning pace and progress, and encouraging them to be the owner of their learning. Stay calm and keep learning to be great in the time of pandemic!