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TA Teaching Development Program



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The TA Teaching Development Program has begun it's second term, with 43 different Teaching Assistants from 13 different departments, schools, and centers from across the SUSTech campus learning together to enhance their English-language teaching skills.

The program is conducted over eight weeks, with an emphasis placed on using English as the Medium of Instruction in all respective disciplines. Weekly topics range from "Syllabus Design" to "Curriculum Development" and from "Classroom Management" to "Reflective Teaching" all providing the TAs with relevant examples to apply in their class, broadening their role and responsibilities as teachers. Upon completion of the term, the Teaching Assistants will deliver a Teaching Demonstration, highlighting the methods learned and applying them to their own class, showcasing their understanding and implementation of the topics discussed throughout the program.

The Center for Language Education continues to foster the cross-collaboration of different departments across the teaching and learning landscape at SUSTech, and is excited about programs such as this. Learning is lifelong, and as teachers, we should never stop learning.