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Study Abroad Language Development Workshop Series Finishes a Second Successful Run



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The Study Abroad Language Development series concluded last Thursday, October 29th with its final session. Across 6 weeks, the participants learned a variety of different language and cultural issues intended to facilitate success in study abroad.

This was the second successful run of the series. The first set of lectures and activities occurred online during the summer, and the fall workshop series marked the second iteration. Strong participation in both series has led to plans for more workshops in future semesters, and further expansion.

A signature feature of the workshops was a high degree of interaction. This popular element of the design was one of the most well-received characteristics. Students interacted with each other and the instructor was regularly seen to leave the podium and enter the audience among the theater seating.

Comments and suggestions from students have provided also valuable ideas for future improvements, including guest speakers, and the potential addition of assignments and preview videos to create more room for the greatly valued interaction.

The successful project was initiated by SUSTech Global in collaboration with the Center for Language education. We celebrate the teamwork that created this sustainable program, especially the work of Zou Yuyang from SUSTech Global, and Albert Evans from the Center for Language Education.