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The 5th CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning



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The Center for Language Education (CLE) at SUSTech, Shenzhen, is pleased to announce the 5th Conference on Teaching and Learning. This year’s theme is Emerging Trends in Language Teaching and Learning: Explore, Enhance, and Excel.

As educators, students, and scholars, we come from different parts of the world, and teach or study different subjects with English as the medium of instruction. We work diligently to bring the most knowledgeable researchers and educators from all over the world, as well as leaders in the industry to explore important issues in English Language Teaching, Learning, and Education. What are meaningful student-instructor interactions that would improve student engagement and enhance student learning? In the time of COVID-19 pandemic, how can we realize teaching collaboration domestically and globally? In what ways would classic methodology be updated and applied in today’s teaching and learning? Please join us at the 5th CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning.

This conference is open to all faculty and staff, highlighting shared experiences of teaching and learning in an English context at SUSTech. We aim to bring together both English-teaching professionals and teachers of all disciplines who use English as their medium of instruction to share teaching practice ideas.