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TIRF's 2020 MRG Competition



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TIRF – The International Research Foundation for English Language Education – is pleased to announce its 2020 Masters Research Grants (MRG) competition. Grants between RMB 5,000 and RMB 15,000 will be made to successful applicants investigating a range of topics in English language education. The application deadline is Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 17:00 China Standard Time.

To be eligible for a TIRF MRG, applicants must be enrolled in a masters program in a Chinese-speaking context. Further information about this grant program, including the call for proposals, application form, eligibility concerns, etc. can be found at: https://www.tirfonline.org/grants-prizes/masters-research-grants/

TIRF and its Trustees are grateful to be working in partnership with Words Up Your Way in support of the 2020 MRG competition.

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if you have any questions about this announcement, or visit the link above. Many thanks in advance!