Two sessions of CLE Workshops @Residential Colleges 2021 Fall series were successfully launched in September.
The first workshop, entitled “CET 4&6 Training,” was delivered by Xing WEN on September 15th . This workshop was aimed at those who have zero knowledge of CET-4 and will take this test in December 2021 at SUSTech. During the session, WEN Xing introduced the CET-4 and CET-6 test format and procedure. Essential skills for a standardized English test as well as some test-taking strategies were shared to help students make good use of the authentic past CET tests and practice each section independently.
Another themed lecture “Vocabulary Building in Listening: Enhance Independent Vocabulary Learning” was delivered by Prof. HU Yuxiu on September 24th. This workshop focused on raising students’ awareness of their vocabulary gap in listening. Professor HU then led participants to identify the gap, to acquire new vocabulary through awareness gap filling and note taking, and finally to make passive vocabulary active.
Those attending the lecture showed great interest in the topic. They interacted actively throughout the well-designed tasks by Prof. HU. This lecture provided good opportunities for students to extend the knowledge of their actual vocabulary and acquire new words of the target language in listening.
The CLE@ Residential Colleges Workshops 2021 Fall series cover a variety of topics. Please stay tuned for our upcoming activities in October!