SUSTech Global Language Day 2021: SUSTechers learned "I love SUSTech" in 12 Languages



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The first SUSTech Global Language Day was held in the open space between Lecture Hall 1 and SUSTech Center Cafeteria on October 27th. The event was hosted by the Center for Language Education of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and attracted around 1,000 participants.

SUSTech Global Language Day 2021 highlighted SUSTechers love for the University. It celebrated the many different languages on campus and saluted the diversity of our SUSTech community. Through this occasion, students and faculty learned how to say “I love SUSTech” in twelve different languages, including English, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Cantonese, German, Japanese, and Arabic. To encourage the learning and sharing of languages on SUSTech campus, other basic phrases of these twelve languages were taught as well.

SUSTech Global Language Day seeks to encourage sharing among different languages and cultural backgrounds, to promote a more international atmosphere at the university, and to foster a more diverse campus culture.