Celebrating the Lantern Festival Together - First English Corner of Spring Semester 2023



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The SUSTech English Corner is an ongoing activity hosted by the Center for Language Education and Zhiren College. It is a great opportunity for students to practice their spoken English and communicate with other students. It’s one of the most popular language activities on campus with great participation.

On February 5th, as part of the English Corner of the new semester, the Center for Language Education, Zhiren College and SUSTech Global jointly co-hosted a special Lantern Festival event in English to celebrate this traditional Chinese festival with members of the SUSTech community on campus. Al Evans and Zhaoting LI from the Center for Language Education, Zhi YU from the SUSTech Global and Sihan WU from Zhiren College participated together 25 students, including more than 20 international students. Some of the international students had arrived in China only 4 days prior, making this an excellent welcome during their first week.

During the evening, teachers and students introduced themselves and talked together about the traditions of the Lantern Festival. The staff of Zhiren College kindly served the traditional festive food of the day, glutinous rice balls. The event reached its climax when each participant made their own lantern.

The Center for Language education is committed to supporting the development of SUSTech's inclusive and welcoming university learning culture and will offer more culture-based language learning events this semester. Please stay tuned with us!