The 2nd Chinese Corner Event: A Good Beginning This Semester



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The 2nd Chinese Corner event, held by the Chinese team of the Center for Language Education at SUSTech on March 30th, marked a positive start to the new semester. The event provided a valuable opportunity for international students and staff to assess and improve their Chinese language skills, as well as to interact and socialize with each other.




The event consisted of a quiz game where participants introduced themselves and competed in two teams to answer questions on phonetics, characters, and culture. The questions were designed to be entertaining and challenging, and the winning team was determined by the highest score.


By participating in the event, students not only had fun trying out tongue twisters, riddles, and other exciting questions, but also consolidated their knowledge from the classroom. Additionally, they were encouraged to express themselves creatively and imaginatively in Chinese, with the help of some specially designed prompts.



The Center for Language Education will organize more culture-focused Chinese learning activities during the semester. The next event for the Chinese learning group is a campus outing on Qing Ming Festival in April. Stay tuned for further updates!