Welcoming a group of Shenzhen High School students during their visit to SUSTech, the Center for Language Education hosted an Introductory Session whereby we were able to share with them our ideas as they pertain to education. Five teachers, including Brian Butler, Allison Dansie, Stephen Pellerine, Jennifer Hirst and Matthew Jellick were able to mingle with the incoming Freshmen, sharing informal stories as well as pedagogical approaches. Following, there was a panel discussion where the students were able to ask direct questions to all teachers at once, getting different viewpoints on critical issues.
The Center for Language Education touches the academic lives of every single incoming student, and we believe that this provides us with an unique opportunity to not only train on language development, but moreover, introduce interactive approaches to methodology which in many cases, may be a new approach to learning for many students. The teachers within the CLE come equipped with experience from around the world, taking with them different global pedagogical approaches to classroom management, syllabus design and even assessment practices. With these tools, we are excited to share, teach and learn from new students every year, and through meeting these wonderful Shenzhen high school seniors, we look forward to continued partnerships between teachers and students, where we all learn from each other.