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The 6th CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning



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The SUSTech Center for Language Education cordially invites you to the 6th CLE Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning. This year's theme is Creativity in Teaching, Inspiration for Learning.  

8:50Welcome Speech 
Designing Problems for PBL Translator Training: A corpus-based approach 
9:40Creating a positive classroom climate and inspiring learning with mindfulness
10:20Group Photo and Tea Break
10:40A Series of Thematic Workbooks for Biology Undergraduates: Materials Design Between ESP and CLIL

With a Little Help from My Friend AI

This conference is open to all faculty and staff. It offers opportunities to connect with language teachers and teachers in a broader field in the Bay Area. You will engage in stimulating discussions with researchers, educators, and peers. You are welcome to sign up.

Sign Up

Please open the link https://cle2022.wjx.cn/vm/wlrUbDj.aspx to sign up before 14:00, November 30th. You will receive a confirmation email.

Contact Information

Email: cle_conference@sustech.edu.cn

Phone number: Zoe: 0755-88015066; Nancy:0755-88015626


Campus Directions

If you take the subway, please use Line 5 and get off at Tanglang Station Exit C, walk NORTH for about 250m to SUSTech Gate 1 (南方科技大学正门). If you drive a car or take a taxi, please enter campus from SUSTech Gate 1 (南方科技大学正门). If you are driving a car, please let us know the car plate number before November 29th.

There will be volunteers in orange jackets guiding you to the conference auditorium and the parking lot. A map is attached below for your reference.