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Language Corner: Newest CLE Activity Offers Four Languages



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The CLE Language Corner held its third successful event last Friday, March 24th. Over 46 participants gathered, covering 4 languages.

New to Language Corner this time was the German speaking group, led by the CLE’s Ou Minhui. Welcome Professor Ou and the Deutsche group!

Our ever important Chinese learner’s group was led by CLE staff member Zhaoting Li and later joined by Shen Wei. Although surrounded by Chinese speakers on a daily basis, it is sometimes difficult to find opportunities to practice the language in a controlled environment. Language Corner is happy to provide that chance for our Chinese learners.

Professor Ryo Moore from the Math Department led the Japanese speaker’s group. The Japanese group is one of the strongest and most active on campus, sharing language, movies, food interests, and other cultural pursuits.

English speakers comprised the largest group, led by the CLE’s Al Evans, also the founder and leader of Language Corner. Professor Evans writes up the topics for the English group and helps participants to form groups and newcomers to find their place for their desired language.

Language Corner occurs every two weeks during the semester, and provides an opportunity for our campus community to practice their second language skills. Currently, Language Corner, or LanCo, has 4 language groups, and we are hoping to add more. If you would like more information, or would like to create a new language group, contact Al Evans (evansa@sustech.edu.cn ) or Zhaoting Li (lizt@sustech.edu.cn).

Our next Language Corner will be on Friday, April 7th. Come join us at the plaza in front of the School of Science. Just look for the group of people practicing their language skills. See you there!