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The 2nd SUSTech Global Language Day



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We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to you for the 2nd SUSTech Global Language Day, an event that celebrates language learning and promotes diversity on the SUSTech campus.

This year's theme is the SUSTech motto "Virtue Truth Advance". As part of the activity, we invite all attendees to participate in a fun and interactive language challenge. You will have the opportunity to learn how to say "Virtue Truth Advance" in 18 languages, and successful participants will be awarded a special prize.

Time: Friday, February 24th, 12:00-14:00 pm

Venue: The open space between Lecture Hall 1 and SUSTech Center Cafeteria

We believe that this event will provide a unique opportunity for SUSTech members to celebrate the power of the SUSTech motto and our collective commitment to excellence.

We look forward to seeing you at the event and sharing the joy of language learning together.