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The First Chinese Corner Success: Welcome to SUSTech!



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The first Chinese Corner was held successfully on Friday, November 25th. Four international students and Dr. ZHU Wenhui, the Chinese teacher of CLE put together a fun and entertaining plan to practice Chinese and play games with the language.


This themed Chinese Corner “Welcome to SUSTech!” was for the international students at SUSTech to celebrate their arrival. In the ice breaking session, every student wrote three facts about themselves, two of which were true, and the rest was incorrect. Then their teammates needed to guess which were right and was not.


In the two followed up activities, Chinese Vocabulary Brainstorm and Charades, participants in each group cooperated and using as many Chinese vocabularies as possible to communicate.


The first Chinese Corner was ended up with a sharing of the life experience, difficulties, and culture chock the participants had been through for the past few weeks. Different solutions were provided to help them to lead a sustainable and prosperous life at SUSTech.