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Integrated Library Research: English for Academic Purposes



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By: Matthew Jellick

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course within the Center for Language Education (CLE), places a strong emphasis on research writing, aiming to teach students the importance of this skill, not only for this particular class, but for their extended educational careers as well.  Working in conjunction with the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Library, our talented librarians have created an integrated workshop which they host in the EAP classes each semester, training the students on research skills through the use of the comprehensive library databases.

This semester, two SUSTech librarians, Lucy Zhou and Joey Wang gave in-depth presentations to both Freshman and Sophomore EAP students, showcasing the intricate approaches to conducing research, from online catalogs to traditional books.  Both Ms. Zhou and Ms. Wang hosted their respective workshops in English, providing answers to the students’ questions and concerns, while highlighting examples of strong research through their informative slides.

The EAP students each have an argumentative research topic which they are working on through both group presentations and peer-feedback essays, and within the workshops, they were given time to practice finding journals, articles, and links to these respective areas of interest.  With the assistance of the librarians shared information, the students have been set on the right track for finding the best possible relevant sources to use in their citations and references.

Aiming to make the EAP program the benchmark of the CLE, we are grateful to the SUSTech Library for their continued support in promoting learning opportunities such as these.  It is partnerships like this which highlight the benefits of cross-departmental collaboration, benefiting everyone from staff to teachers to students!

Librarian Lucy with EAP students


EAP Team and Librarian"