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CLE Latin Club: Guest Speaker Katherine Wasdin on Women in the Ancient World and Poetry



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The sixth session of the CLE Latin club was held on December 8th with a presentation by guest speaker Professor Katherine Wasdin on the topic "Women in the Ancient World and Poetry." Prof. Wasdin is a professor of Classics at the University of Maryland; her research interests include Latin poetry, Greek poetry, and the ancient world's reception. Although the lesson was delivered online via Zoom, a large number of students preferred to attend in person with Latin club coordinator Yang Luo.

Prof. Wasdin began the first hour by introducing typical living conditions for women in antiquity through literary works and archaeological evidence. She next turned her attention to Catullus's love poetry, examining how a male author portrayed women from a patriarchal perspective. The talk concluded with a spirited Q&A session during which members of the Latin club raised several remarkable and in-depth inquiries concerning ancient life. It was encouraging to see the participants’ enthusiasm in the discussion their questions as the clock ticked beyond 21:30.


More talks on ancient languages, literature and history will be held by the CLE Latin Club. Please stay tuned!