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An Academic Conference Simulation for Postgraduate Students



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Academic study at postgraduate level requires mastery of a range of English communication skills. The CLE’s English for Graduate Studies course is designed to help MSc students acquire the academic literacy and language skills they need to succeed in English academic culture. In the session of Week 5, the course tutor Lisha Liu held a conference simulation for SUSTC MSc students. This is a language task to check their understandings of the sessions they learnt about academic listening and oral presentation skills.

Before the simulated conference, student presenters were assigned to prepare 5-min English presentations related to their research fields to the general audience. During the conference, other students raised a lot of constructive questions and discussed many presentation related topics in English. Overall, this academic conference simulation was quite successful.

According to the Graduate School, although the course started for only two weeks, it has already received plenty of positive feedbacks from students.

      Written by Lisha Liu