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TA Teaching Development Program



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Each semester for the past two years, the Center for Language Education, in partnership with the SUSTech Provost Office, has hosted a TA Teaching Development Program for qualified Teaching Assistants at our university. Taught over the course of an intensive eight weeks, instruction ranges on topics from “Traits of a Good Teaching Assistant” to “Collaboration with Course Instructors”. Addressing practical issues within the classroom, and highlighting innovative approaches to teaching pedagogy, the TAs are able to analyze, discuss and apply good practices to their own teaching methodology.

Course instructor, Matthew Jellick, has been training Teaching Assistants for the past two years, helping to develop their English instructional skills through classroom competency. Both the Provost Office and the CLE recognize “teaching as a language” and that the future of education at SUSTech will depend on the teaching development skills of TAs across different departments.

We look forward to another successful semester working together, as we continue to strive for teaching and learning excellence!