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CLE Writing Center Exhibition: "Writing as Expression"



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The CLE Writing Center is proud to announce an Exhibition, highlighting both SUSTech student and staff writing samples which they have worked on over the course of the semester.  We invite you to visit the 3rd Floor of the Library to see some of these pieces, ranging from Poetry to Personal Statements.  Showcasing writing growth through the CLE, on Thursday evening, May 30th, many of the student writers themselves will be there to talk about their works, and the impact it had on their outlook as it pertains to their personal and professional futures. 

We hope that you will be able to take a look at the exhibition at your leisure sometime during the week, and if possible, join us for the Reception on Thursday evening. Writing is a means of expression, whether it reflects a desire to be admitted to a graduate program, or simple thoughts on loneliness told through a poem.  Come and see how expressions are translated through words, and in turn, how the these students' writings have grown through the CLE.


Time and Location Monday, May 27th - Friday, May 31st: 3rd Floor SUSTech Lynn Library.  Reception: Thursday, May 30th, 6:00pm