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English Corner Returns for Fall 2021



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The Zhiren College English Corner welcomed new students and returning students with meetings in two consecutive weeks at the beginning of the semester.

On Friday, September 10th, a special English Corner for 1st year students only was held in the Zhiren College Activity Room. A team of Zhiren student leaders designed the activities and hosted the evening. A full room of over 40 students joined for the evening and engaged in English speaking opportunities for 2 hours.

The following week, on the 17th of September, English Corner celebrated the Mid-Autumn festival with activities designed along the holiday theme. A highlight of the evening was a “lantern” puzzle or crossword puzzle. This was followed by Turtle Soup, a storytelling and guessing activity.

Both events were attended and supported by CLE faculty and staff, including Anthony Rendon, Conrad Herrera, Stephen Pellerine, Ted Campbell, and Charlotte Luo. They presented news on upcoming events and activities, as well as taking part in discussions, conversations, and managing students. As usual, the English Corner faculty advisor from the CLE, Al Evans, also attended and supported the student leaders.

English Corner is a consistently popular English conversation activity at SUSTech. The special schedule of two consecutive weeks is a departure from its standard routine of twice a month. The next English Corner will be on October 15th. Please join us after the holiday break for fun English conversation!