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Latin club au debut



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A new Latin Club was launched on the evening of September 15th, sponsored by SUSTech’s Center for Language Education. During the first meeting, our students showed great interest in this living archaic language.

Led by Yang Luo, the first session of the CLE Latin Club focused on the introduction to the Latin language and the Roman world. The meeting built a connection between this classical language and its wide use in medical science and other fields that SUSTech students will pursue in their academic and career development. During the evening, a comprehensive introduction was followed by an interactive discussion in which all participants expressed their interests and enthusiasm in learning Latin, one of the most influential languages in history and science.

In the coming sessions of the CLE Latin Club this semester, the following topics will be covered:

● September 29th: Into the Roman world Geography and History

● October 13th: Medical Terminologies I (Hippocrates code)

● October 27th: Roman politics: Special topics on the Gracchi brothers (A fallen republic)/Bread and Circuses (A corrupted Empire)

● November 10th: Medical Terminologies II (Hippocrates code continued)

● November 24th: Drama, mythology and literature in the Roman world

● December 8th: Guest Speakers (Elizabeth Fisher and Katherine Wasdin)

● December 22th: Real Latin (Let’s read de Bello Gallico)