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Staff English Book Club: "Factory Girls" by Leslie Chang



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We are happy to announce the eighth incarnation of the SUSTech Staff English Book Club!  Hosted by CLE Assistant Director, Matthew Jellick, this summer we will be reading Factory Girls, written by Leslie Chang.  As with all seven previous versions of the Book Club, our discussions will focus on topics of gender inequality, economic dichotomies, and cultural sensitivity; issues which affect us all, whether we want to admit it or not.

The author, Leslie Chang, is the wife of Peter Hessler, who was the author of our very first Book Club back in the Spring of 2017, when we read River Town.  Again, we will aim to keep the strong and in-depth discussion going, giving credence to the power of book clubs and the topics addressed which oftentimes are not part of core curriculum or office banter.

The SUSTech Staff English Book Club is a testament to the power of words and the strength of a passionate community of learners!