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Faculty and Staff Development Workshop: Culture and Communication



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The SUSTech Faculty and Staff Development Workshop Series continued, with this week's topic hosted by Jennifer Hirst. Delving into "Culture and Communication", those in attendance were treated to an interactive card activity which was actually deeper than the surface level game. Brining it around to a discussion, we thought about the concepts of differing understanding and approaches to what sometimes are the same problem. Ms. Hirst also shared with us some of her own personal experience in trying to bridge cross-cultural divides which she has encountered, recounting stories from across the globe. It was a unique perspective, and one which got the audience thinking about how to be patient observers, as opposed to quick reactionaries.

The Workshop Series will wrap up next week with our final one for the semester, and we look forward to a large audience, as these topics are specifically designed to help develop workplace skillsets from a global perspective.