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CLE Movie Club: Interstellar success!



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The CLE Movie Club completed its spring semester activities on May 11 with a discussion of the 2014 movie “Interstellar.” At their usual Yidan Library meeting room, the group enjoyed a lively discussion in English about the characters and events of the film. The club also looked at the science in the film and its accuracy. The soundtrack by Hans Zimmer received a special mention, as did the poem featured in the film: “Do not go gentle into that good night,” by Dylan Thomas.

The club is an opportunity for those who want to practice their English. Members first watch the selected film on their own. Notes with a few discussion questions are provided by the leaders to help the members prepare. During a discussion, people frequently leave the notes and introduce their own topics. The preparation and free discussion means no high level of English is required.

The group meets twice weekly during the semester. This was the 6th film of the semester and the 24th film overall for the CLE Movie Club. Co-leaders Rongrong Dong and Al Evans work at the Center for Language Education at SUSTech. Their goal is to expand options for English conversation at SUSTech while pursuing a shared love of movies. Preparations are already in progress for the fall.

CLE Movie Club will meet once during the summer. The group selected “The Mule” (2018) to discuss during the summer session. Join us for the discussion! Scan the code below to join our group. See you then!