Do the right thing (1989) is the 18th film CLE movie club watched and discussed on Dec. 8th. This is also the last one we watched for this fall semester.

Even though this film was created almost 30 years ago, it still speaks strongly to the audience today. Do the right thing, directed by Spike Lee, has been embraced as a classic film with the theme of love, hatred, racism, and violence. Participants in our discussion all agreed this movie is thought-provoking, painful,l but very educational.

In the discussion, we tried to seek the ultimate answer for what is “the right thing”. Did Mookie do the right thing? Did Sal do the right thing? Can we justify the actions of the police? We also analyzed characters’ motivation, their engagement in the story and their shared responsibility toward the final tragedy.
Across the Fall 2020 term, the CLE Movie Club watched and discussed seven films in four languages, including a collaboration with the Chinese Movie Club and SUSTech students currently abroad.

CLE movie club is looking forward to your participation in the upcoming Spring semester. If you are also a movie lover, please come and join us.