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CLE Movie Club and CLE Chinese Movie Club Team Up Online



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Two CLE clubs teamed up on Saturday, November 14th for a language and culture exchange online. The CLE Chinese Movie Club, led by Dr. Zhu Wenhui, seeks to introduce Chinese culture and provide language practice to the international students. Especially valuable during the pandemic, this valuable activity serves our SUSTech students who are outside of China. Meanwhile, the CLE Movie Club is primarily an opportunity for participants to practice their English.

The two clubs met online last Saturday for a discussion of the Chinese language film, “Eat Drink Man Woman” by the famous director Ang Li. CLE Movie Club co-founder Dr. Rongrong Dong authored the thought-provoking discussion questions in English for both clubs, and Dr. Wenhui added in additional notes for the language development and expression of the international students.



To manage the event online, the clubs used online video conference software. Sharing mostly audio interaction and some video participants as well.

Most of the discussion was in English, and there was also a portion dedicated to Chinese language practice for the international students. Even Movie Club co-leader AL Evans joined in the Chinese language practice.


Through collaborations like these, the CLE hopes to serve both our students on campus and our students abroad. Sharing our common love for movies, exploring and sharing Chinese culture, and practicing our languages, we congratulate the two clubs for their accomplishment. It is a lovely way to spend an hour on a Saturday afternoon.