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SUSTech Writing Group: Developing the Elements of Intentions and Obstacles



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By Stephen Pellerine

The Center for Language Education opens its first SUSTech Writing Group: The Author in You this semester. It is 12-series workshop aiming to promote authorship to the SUSTech community, whom enjoy writing.

Tuesday September 14, 2020 was the second SUSTech Writing Club meeting. In this second session participants started by sharing literary developments, developed from the previous session. Students stepped up to the podium and shared very engaging and touching stories, while others provided critical, yet supportive feedback.

The session tonight focused on developing the elements of intentions and obstacles. Following discussions based on segments from Masterclass with Aaron Sorkin, addressing theses elements, students wrote a mini sample relevant to their specific fictional interests. It is once again so nice to see such a cross-section from SUSTech, from students to faculty, and from Research Assistants to Researchers all sharing interests in writing and developing critical and creative thinking in the process.

Sample stories evolving are a narrative through photography, a sci-fi, the rebel boy, and the life through the perspective of a cat: a philosophy for life.

Next week, session three, will move on to look at developing a comprehensive drivetrain that is the main story throughline, a throughline that is decorated with intentions and obstacles. It will be interesting to see where the stories take us.

    Photos by Stephen Pellerine