I. Registration
Deadline: July 15, 2020
Please email:
with the title of “Writing contest + Your Name+ Student No
.”Scan the QQ QR code below to join the group for further informationII. Contest date and format
1 . Contest date: Early August (Specific date will be announced after the registration deadline.)
2. Contest format:
Contestants are required to complete one argumentative writing (around 500 words) and one expository/practical writing (300-500 words) within 120 minutes.
Contestants will submit their writings online. Detailed plans for online submission will be released by the end of July.
III. Instructors of writing contest
Qing Liu: liuq@sustech.edu.cn
Rongrong Dong: dongrr@sustech.edu.cn
Yongyang Yu: yuyy@sustech.edu.cn
Ruihong Zhu: zhurh@mail.sustech.edu.cn
All prize winners will attend writing training provided by CLE. Further details will be announced after the preliminary contest at SUSTech.